What Do We ADD(vise)?

Seo submission
Search Engine Submissions
It's no good having a site if no one can find it. And the first step in helping potential customers find you online is to submit your site's URL to all the major search engines on a recurring basis. But many small business owners find it challenging to sustain consistent submission practices. But our Search Engine Submission package can help! And we have two options to choose from, depending on your needs and budget.
  • One-Time Submission (one-time charge)
    • Performed at time of initial site setup
    • Includes indexing in all major engines
    • May be repeated as often as desired
  • Ongoing Submissions (recurring charges)
    • Performed both initially and monthly
    • Includes indexing in all major engines
    • May be easily cancelled at any time
$15 (setup)

$25 (month)
Google app
Google Business Profiling
Perhaps the single most important--but most frequently overlooked!--optimization practice a small business can adopt is setting up and maintaining its Google Business Profile page. It's almost impossible to overstate how important this one tool is in helping local customers find your site... and your business. But what small business owner has the time (or even the know-how!) to attend to this? Few. But with our Google Business Profiling package, you won't have to! It includes:
  • Initial page architectural design and setup
  • Strategic development of optimized content
  • Ongoing monthly monitoring and updates
  • Periodic traffic analysis and responsive edits

And more!
$25 (setup)

$75 (month)
Why reputation management and online reviews are important in business
Reputation Management
'Social proof' is the new gold standard in today's marketing landscape. So no business can afford to neglect the online image it's acquired from the feedback--pro and con--from its customers. But the internet never sleeps! So how can any small business owner keep up with (and respond to) the constant flow of client comments that can make or break a solopreneur's online reputation? Fortunately, our Online Reputation Management package can help! It includes:
  • Initial review and audit of online identity
  • Daily monitoring and reputation reports
  • Instant email notifications of bad reviews
  • Review response coaching in best practices

And more!
$35 (setup)

$100 (month)
Seo analytics(1)
Site Analytics Tracking
A business website is a business investment. And, like all investments, performance can fluctuate depending on a number of elusive factors. So closely monitoring your site's daily, weekly, and monthly performance is critical for responding quickly and nimbly in the a face of changing circumstances. That's why we offer real-time site performance analysis and statistical monitoring to our clients. This bottom-line enhancing service includes:
  • Monthly reports of key site analytics
  • Plain-language interpretation of stats
  • Suggestions for SEO site enhancements
  • Monthly site review for strategic updates

And more!
$45 (setup)

$125 (month)
Digital marketing consult
Digital Strategy Consulting
When it comes to digital marketing, failing to plan is just another name for planning to fail. But crafting a coherent and comprehensive digital marketing strategy for a business requires more than a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach. It demands a sophisticated knowledge of the tactical, technical, and time-tested tools for effectively engaging your target audience. And that's precisely what our No-Size-Fits-All consulting offers you and your business. We can help:
  • Define your overall digital marketing aims and objectives
  • Craft tailored social media campaigns for your audience
  • Initiate effective email and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising
  • Monitor and refine your digital marketing tactics and efforts

And more!
$55 (audit)

$150 (hour)
Site redesign
Existing Site Redesign
Not all business websites are created equal! Some look great but perform poorly; others read well but lack visual appeal; while others look stunning and function perfectly but confuse most readers with their content. Fortunately, we can fix all such (or similar!) problems with your site. We can quickly re-conceive and re-create your online presence so you can stop trying to run an up-to-date business with an out-of-date website. Our process includes:
  • Auditing your current site to locate its deficiencies
  • Identifying your general and specific site objectives
  • Developing a customized site redesign proposal
  • Building, optimizing, and launching your new site

And more!
$200 (audit)

$800 (redesign)
Social media
Social Media Marketing
If you're not leveraging the power of social media in collaboration with your business website, your digital marketing dollars aren't working hard enough! Unfortunately, many solopreneurs struggle to maintain a dynamic client-attracting presence on even one, much less all, the major social media platforms today. But with our help, even a single-owner operation can begin to attract potential customers from Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, and other high-traffic platforms. We can help:
  • Establish your SM presence and profile (if necessary)
  • Generate well-researched, audience-specific SM content
  • Analyze and enhance your patterns of SM engagement
  • Implement profit-attracting SM advertising strategies

And more!
$300 (setup)

$1200 (month)
Blog scrabble
Blog and Email Copywriting
It's a little-known secret that businesses that blog tend to be businesses that bloom in today's digital marketplace. That's because blogs build brands, and brands bring buyers, especially if those blogs are strategically linked with a savvy email marketing plan. Yet many, perhaps even most, small business owner struggle to launch and/or sustain an effective blogging/emailing routine. And that's where our Blog and Email Marketing package comes in. It includes:
  • Initial review/audit of current B&E protocols
  • Design and development of a B&E strategy
  • Recurring monthly posts consisting of:
    • 1 original blog post
    • 8 original emails (2/wk)
  • Ongoing responsive strategy review/revision

(This is simply a basic starter package. More elaborate plans can be developed. Such plans require a quote for accurate pricing and assume this basic plan as the starting point for pricing. Additional costs depend on the increased (or decreased) number of monthly blog posts and emails desired: $400 for each additional blog post and $200 for each additional email. Please call for more details.)
$500 (setup)

$2000 (month)